Character introduction

Copyrights ©2024 by Cheryl All rights reserved.

Roseline Evans is a 20-year-old innocent and pure-soul girl. She was raised by her father in a very protective environment. She is a helping, soft-hearted, and selfless person. She thinks that everyone is good and kindhearted in this cruel world, like her and her father.
Because she doesn't know about the harsh reality of this world, her father built a wonderland for her.

Aaron Warner is a 26-year-old businessman. Who never mix pleasure with work. Always engrossed in work. For him, women are only meant for pleasure. He never slept with a girl twice. He was hardworking and always focused on his work.

Victor Anderson is 25 years old. Roseline's husband.

Tiffany Smith is Roseline's father's secretary and Victor's whore.

Richard Brown: Well, everyone knows him very well, and here he is, Aaron's best friend.

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